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Can Your Root Chakra unlock Your Wealth DNA?

Updated: Feb 26

What if I told you that you have the ability to attract untold wealth and abundance into your life…

And that this ability is lying dormant inside your DNA.

Hard to believe?

Well, this is exactly what a NASA scientist recently found out

And he laid out a step-by-step method to unlock our dormant ability…

The simple yet scientifically proven Wealth DNA method laid out in this report allows you to effortlessly start attracting the wealth and abundance you deserve…

But first Affirmations to start activation of the Rook Chakra aka Wealth DNA

I am surrounded by support.

I recognize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by such inspiring people.

I know I can reach out to many incredible people for support. I know others listen to me. They guide me and show me how to progress on my path.

I look after those around me and ensure I listen to everything they say. I recognize that we help and guide each other.

I perform kind and meaningful gestures to show people around me that I care. I am excited to show others how much I can support them.

I know opportunities are always coming my way. I appreciate the way people encourage me to chase opportunities and work hard to make my dreams come true.

I am surrounded by patient people who motivate me and want me to succeed. I celebrate my success with my support network and feel incredibly grateful for the time I spend with loved ones.

I know my voice is valued and the world around me wants me to succeed. I am a lighthouse, shining a powerful, confident, and majestic light. I am supported by friends and loved ones.

I am surrounded by people who make me believe in myself and help me realize my true potential.

Today, I know that I am surrounded by support. There are many people I can turn to for guidance, and I am thankful for everyone who shows me love. I feel thrilled, content, and fortunate.

Self-Reflection Questions:

Am I taking the time to thank my loved ones for all of their support?

Am I making kind gestures and demonstrating my gratitude?

Am I reaching out for support when I need it?

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